

Hyperkalemia 1. What is hyperkalemia? Hyperkalemia is the medical term for having too much potassium in your blood. Potassium is a substance found in certain foods. In people with hyperkalemia, the body holds on to too much potassium. People can get hyperkalemia if their kidneys are not working well, or if they take certain medicines. […]

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Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney disease 1. What is polycystic kidney disease? Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a condition that affects the kidneys. When people have PKD, abnormal fluid-filled sacs called “cysts” grow in the kidneys. The cysts cause the kidneys to get bigger than normal. The cysts can also keep the kidneys from working normally. This can

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Hydronephrosis 1. What is hydronephrosis? Hydronephrosis is another word for swelling of 1 or both kidneys. The kidneys are organs in the urinary tract that make urine. Each kidney has 2 parts: A part that filters the blood and removes waste and excess salt and water A part that collects the urine In hydronephrosis, the

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Urinary Issues

Blood in the urine (hematuria) 1. Should I be worried if there is blood in my urine? It can be scary to see blood in your urine. But try to stay calm. Blood in the urine is not usually serious. Still, it is important to see a doctor or nurse. The medical term for blood

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Acute Renal Failure

Acute kidney injury 1. What is acute kidney injury? Acute kidney injury is when the kidneys suddenly stop working. Normally, the kidneys filter the blood and remove waste and excess salt and water. The word “acute” means sudden. Another term for acute kidney injury is “acute kidney failure.” 2. What causes acute kidney injury? Acute

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Low-sodium diet 1. What is sodium? Sodium is the main ingredient in table salt. It is also found in lots of foods, and even in water. The body needs a very small amount of sodium to work normally, but most people eat much more sodium than their body needs. 2. Who should cut down on

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High blood pressure 1. What is high blood pressure? High blood pressure is a condition that puts you at risk for heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease. It does not usually cause symptoms. But it can be serious. When your doctor or nurse tells you your blood pressure, they will say 2 numbers. For instance,

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Choosing between dialysis and kidney transplant 1. What is renal replacement therapy? “Renal replacement therapy” is another term for the different treatments for kidney failure. Normally, the kidneys filter the blood and remove waste and excess salt and water . Kidney failure, also called “end-stage kidney disease,” is when the kidneys stop working completely. If

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Chronic Kidney Disease

1. What is Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)? The kidneys are responsible for filtering blood and removing waste through urination. When you have chronic kidney disease your kidneys’ ability to filter and remove waste becomes impaired. There are often ways to prevent the progression of kidney disease through certain lifestyle modifications and treatments. The kidneys are

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